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Finding the right match - Here are a few things to consider when looking for a cleaning service

Picking what's right for you - What we base our prices on, or how we compare pricewise to other companies.

This is a tricky one to answer, as not all are created equal.

I will try and answer this one as best as I can with the least amount of bias possible!

First - What are you looking for? What is important to you? Knowing these will set you up to find a good match. Some people want very detailed and a deep cleaning each time. This is very important to them. These clients will usually settle with a higher priced company and get what they pay for. They'll be satisfied with their service.

Now, if you are looking for someone to come in and do what they can for a certain amount of time (for example spend two hours and do what they can in kitchen, bathrooms, etc), this might be priced cheaper and this client is also getting what they pay for. However, this is the cleaning that is important to them, and thus they are happy with the service.

Both kinds of clients lead different lives, have their own priorities, and neither is more important than the other. Its just about preference.

Now to break down cost-

Quality of clean . What details are included? Are they doing a detailed clean or a surface wipe?

Experience the service has. Like everything -

You pay for knowledge and experience.

Do they know what chemicals to use and not use on different surfaces?

Are they trained in basic WHIMIS and mindful of the different stone, woods in peoples home and how a product chemically reacts?

As an example - you have copper sinks. They are quite dirty so the cleaner uses bleach to try and get the stains out. Now your copper has that vintage charm (regardless to if that's what you were going for or not) Someone experienced would know what to use and NOT use. One example of a million I could make.

The amount of money they put into their business.

Are they a registered business with an HST #?

Are they certified with WSIB

Do they have their own insurance?

What are their policies? Companies don't flood people with rules to seem annoying - they are meant to protect both the consumer and the business.

A fine example of this is a company who works under the table for cash. They will be cheaper - they might even be fantastic cleaners, but what happens when something goes wrong?

Who are your cleaners?

Have they been screened with a criminal reference check?

Are they bondable?

Our prices reflect our services. You will get what you paid for. Our team is paid a living wage, they are trained in chemical safety, respect of peoples homes, and if they God forbid damage something, we have the insurance to back us up and fix the issue.

Small business owners pour their heart and soul into their business. You might think a private cleaner care more than one with employees - As a team who was owner operated for 12 years, I cannot express the frustration in how false this is.

We work 24/7, we worry all the time, and we always strive to make our business the absolute best that it can be.

As mentioned, at the end of the day it depends on what qualities are important to you.

Having strangers enter your home and touch all your belongings is incredibly intimate.

It’s important to vet, shop around and ask questions. You want to have a connection with the team and follow your gut.

A few things to consider when your shopping for price.

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